
Pigeon Control

Feral Pigeons and other birds often live and breed in close proximity to your home or business. The unpleasant build up of their excrement and unsanitary habits can create significant health issues and cause damage to your property and business reputation. Unfortunately, several disease organisms associated with feral pigeons can be contagious to the human population. Bird fouling and nesting materials will corrode paintwork and building surfaces, block roof guttering and downpipes, resulting in costly repairs if left untreated. Bird droppings on walkways and pavements will become slippery when wet making these areas unsafe. Other pest issues such as mice, carpet beetles and cockroaches are often associated with bird problems.

CID Pest Control offer a complete range of professional bird control solutions to deal with your specific problem. Our bird surveyor will perform a full property inspection and provide you with a treatment plan to eliminate your bird issue. We will identify the species, causing factors and potential threats before treating with an efficient, economic, safe and humane form of pest control. On completion, we will supply you with our recommendations to assist you in preventing any future infestation.

CID Pest Control can supply a full range of netting, bird spikes and wires using market leading products and equipment. We will advise you of the best way to tackle your bird pest problems and provide a discreet, economical solution to satisfy your requirements.